This year, The Roscoe Company will recognize two employees that have been with us for 20 years: Russell Burt and Andrew Nutall. Both are route service representatives (RSRs) and we interviewed them to learn about their Roscoe experience and why they’re still with us after two decades.
Russell Burt
Russell’s first experience with The Roscoe Company came early: when he was about nine years old, he rode along on a delivery route with Fred Shaw and Danny Kendrick, two long-time RSRs. Russell’s mom was an executive secretary and served the company for 35 years, so this was a “bring your child to work” kind of day. When he was 18, Russell worked with Roscoe during the summer doing route checking and work uniform counts as these were the days before everything was computerized.
Russell then headed off to college, graduated and got a job as a bookkeeper but he longed for the days where he could leave the building and not feel chained to a desk. He returned to Roscoe, became an RSR himself and even recognized some of the customers from when he was a kid. Russell now serves the near west suburbs and the City of Chicago around Midway Airport and his responsibilities include deliveries, work uniform size changes, inventory control, account management, and issue troubleshooting.
Russell appreciates the four-day work week, as RSRs work 10-hour days and are off on Mondays, and that the company program Perspectives for employees to help with a variety of personal issues should they need support. Russell also likes that Roscoe is a very eco-conscious industrial laundry, which is a focus that started in the 60s. He’s proud that Roscoe was the first laundry to install a wastewater management system and believes the current system is the best out there. Russell also thinks Roscoe offers the best customer service ‐ a few other laundries may cost a bit less but they don’t offer the same value: some customers have left for a lower price but have returned.
Andrew Nutall
Andrew lived in the neighborhood, so he passed by The Roscoe Company often on his way to take the El downtown. He’d see the ladies folding wipers and wondered what the company did. While he was in-between jobs, a friend mentioned that Roscoe was hiring so he interviewed and was hired. His friend wound up getting a job a few years later.
Andrew started his Roscoe career rolling floor mats and putting them in carts to be loaded onto Roscoe’s fleet of trucks, then worked in the plant for a few years. Andrew is now in this 16th year as an RSR and serves the Northwest suburbs of Chicago.
Andrew also loves the four-day work week but has stuck around for 20 years because of the family business environment. Roscoe is one of the nicest companies he’s ever worked for and is like a huge family for Andrew, with some coworkers like uncles for him. He also likes that Roscoe does a lot for the community, including blood drives and supporting Angel Tree. He feels Roscoe is in business for the long haul, as all laundry equipment has recently been upgraded, customer service is top notch and he thinks Roscoe may be the only laundry using a barcode & RFID scanning system, which contains a history for every garment.
Contact us to learn more about our work uniform, custom floor mat and laundry service