What is a WIG?
For Roscoe, it stands for a “Wildly Important Goal” – otherwise known as a significant change that we seek to implement in order to increase customer satisfaction and retention.
Successfully changing and improving allows Roscoe to grow and continue to reinvest in delivering even higher levels of customer service for work uniform rentals and all of our other services.
3 Ways We Continuously Improve, Every Week
Every Monday, our leadership team meets to focus on customers that called with a concern the week before. We separate symptoms from the root cause of the issue, and resolve it. This is not a typical leadership meeting: it’s all about our customers and resolving any issues they may have.
We apply the principles in The 4 Disciplines of Execution and also use execution management software called KeyneLink that represents the technology backbone of our process. KeyneLink ensures that every task assigned directly relates to a WIG and to our mission of providing the best customer service in the industry.
We also use our customer relationship management software to track service indicators, the most common reasons for why customers call, which further helps us to drill down to root causes and to eliminate non-conformance. Our ISO external auditor wants us to strive for zero customer complaints and cross-departmental synergy. As such, each department has customer service goals that feed into a larger WIG and is tied in with KeyneLink.
An Unrivaled Commitment to Customer Service
All of the above fits into ISO/continuous improvement process: we use a great deal of data mining and track the reasons that led to a customer call to really understand the underlying cause. From our experience, none of our competitors now use this WIG process, which helps eliminate recurring service issues.
We’ve been following this process for several years and is one reason we’ve achieved record high customer satisfaction and retention levels. Our continuous improvement mentality is a part of the foundation we’ve built over the last 95 years and is an essential component of our company culture.
Contact us to learn more about continuous improvement from the Chicago work uniform rental company