Chicago Work Uniform Company Year in Review: 2014

We started off by getting organized in 2014 with six helpful tips from Peter Economy including: setting realistic goals and staying focused on them, getting and maintaining a calendar, setting priorities at the start of each day, prioritizing priorities, tying up loose ends at the end of each day and cleaning up your workspace. The uniform services company hopes you were able to accomplish some or most of your resolutions with these helpful tips.

Thankfully, we are not having the cold front we had last winter around this time, but to help you better prep we provided safety tips for keeping your building and fleet protected and your employees healthy. The Chicago uniform company has several facility and hygiene products like automatic paper towel dispensers, toilet seat cleaners and automatic foam soap and hand sanitizer dispensers to aid your organization. Roscoe also kept you up-to-date on changing OSHA laws and most cited violations and provided tips to stay in compliance.

This past year, we also let you know more about our organization, our people, causes we hold near and dear to our heart and associations we are part of. We broke down exactly how Roscoe takes care of common industry issues like replacements, responsiveness, billing, and cleanliness and condition. The uniform services was and is at the forefront of exciting innovations like wastewater treatment, automated sorting, bar coding/rf chips, ISO certification, and a state-of-the-art finishing system. All of this, coupled with our great team, goes into providing our customers a quality product and exceptional service.

Did we mention we had a great team? With a great deal of experience in the service and industrial laundry industry? That are ready to provide personalized service; which is possible because the Chicago mat company is a local, independently owned textile rental company. Local, independent, family-owned businesses outperform national chains in several key areas and are active in their community, boosting the local and national economy.

In 2014, the uniform services company gave back to the local community through a LifeSource blood drive, United Way, Angel Tree, Alex’s Lemonade, Greater Chicago Food Depository and Northern Illinois Food Bank, among others. Roscoe was also active in several industry associations and family business groups like Business Executives Association (BEA), Cost Bureau, Textile Rental Services Association (TRSA), CSCNetwork, Lawndale Business Renaissance Association (LBRA), Entrepreneur and Family Business Council (formerly known as Chicago Family Business Council), Rotary One Foundation and World President’s Organization (WPO). We’ve shared our best practices and collaborated in improving the products and service provided to our customers.

This uniform company also presented a study by J.D. Powers and Associates that said uniforms function as signal and symbol and can advance brand image by the positive attributes associated with uniforms. Consumers prefer uniforms and are more likely to purchase from a place with uniforms as they associate them with competence, credibility, trustworthiness and higher quality products. Therefore, don’t get left behind in the new year and find out more about our work uniforms, anti-fatigue mats, corporate apparel, restroom cleaning supplies, food processing uniforms, high and enhanced visibility uniforms, industrial mops and laundry services.

To learn more about what we’ve shared keep scrolling below or contact a uniform services representative. Thank you for being a part of our 2014 and we look forward to a continuing partnership in 2015.

Happy New Year and Take Pride!

Contact us to learn more about Roscoe: The Chicago Work Uniform Company

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We'd love the chance to help your company take more pride in your uniforms and put your best brand forward. Contact us today to get a recommendation and quote.