
Enhanced Safety with Flame Resistant Work Uniforms

Enhanced Safety with Flame Resistant Work Uniforms

June 20, 2016

Companies are duty bound to assess the risk and provide protective gear and work uniforms to mitigate those risks. To ensure the safety of employees working in electric power generation, transmission and distribution, which includes maintenance staff that work with breakers, employers need to be aware of the importance of flame resistant work uniforms. If you … Read more

The Dirty Facts about Dust & Floor Mats

The Dirty Facts about Dust & Floor Mats

June 1, 2016

So, you think you know about dust and floor mats? Below is the latest research (brace yourself…) followed by an explanation of how floor mats will save you money, why rental mats work better and why renting from The Roscoe Company makes “cents” (in addition to renting work uniforms from us). Floor Mats & Dust … Read more

Work Uniforms Success Story: Truck Center

Work Uniforms Success Story: Truck Center

May 25, 2016

After being awarded the uniform rental business at their newest facility less than a year ago, Roscoe now provides rental services to all of their Chicagoland locations for one of the largest truck dealership and service centers in the Midwest because of our strengths in processes and personnel, and our attention to detail. Background As … Read more

Protect Your Work Uniform Rental Plan with a Maintenance Program

Protect Your Work Uniform Rental Plan with a Maintenance Program

May 19, 2016

Typically with a uniform rental service, a customer is invoiced rental charges that help offset the cost of merchandise, cleaning, delivery, and invoicing, but these rental charges don’t usually cover other recurring costs like prep fees, which are assessed for ordering, receiving and identifying garments for tracking purposes. Additionally, the rental charges typically don’t cover … Read more

Get Your Corporate Apparel Catalog Today - 2016

Get Your Corporate Apparel Catalog Today

May 8, 2016

It’s Time to Purchase Image Apparel for Summer: Mention our Blog and Get 15% off Your First Order If you haven’t yet seen our selection of image apparel, request a catalog today to see how you can promote your brand while outfitting your employees, customers and partners with some of the industry’s top brands like … Read more

Blood Drive 2016: Roscoe Gives Back

Blood Drive 2016: Roscoe Gives Back

April 30, 2016

On behalf of LifeSource and the patients who are the ultimate beneficiaries, we’d like to express thanks to everyone who donated or attempted to donate to help others during our recent blood drive. Your generosity will help people in need, including cancer patients, critically ill newborns, burn patients, accident victims, transplant patients, and many more … Read more

Work Uniform Sustainability: Earth Day 2016

Work Uniform Sustainability: Earth Day 2016

April 22, 2016

In honor of Earth Day, we look back on our environmental sustainability efforts since we were founded in 1921 and look forward to implementing new initiatives. Sustainability History Throughout our 95 years, we’ve implemented numerous sustainability initiatives with the desire to both serve our customers more effectively and to be a responsible member of our … Read more

Reusable Rental Shop Towels, Mops, Floor Mats & Profitability of Sustainability

Shop Towel Rule FAQ

April 8, 2016

Now that the Shop Towel Rule has recently been enacted, we get asked a lot of questions on what it means for our customers. This blog post details answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). What is the “Shop Towel Rule”? The Solvent Contaminated Wipe Rule, or “Shop Towel Rule” was published on July 31, 2013, … Read more

Roscoe Communication "Top 10" List

Roscoe Communication “Top 10” List

February 29, 2016

Guest Blog by Jeff DeLazzer Definitions If you were to look up the word communication in the Webster dictionary this is what you would find: com·mu·ni·ca·tion 1. The imparting or exchanging of information or news. “Direct communication between the two individuals will produce greater understanding.” Synonyms: transmission, disclosure, broadcasting 2. Means of connection between people … Read more

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We'd love the chance to help your company take more pride in your uniforms and put your best brand forward. Contact us today to get a recommendation and quote.