Declaration of Independents: Local vs. National Work Uniform Companies
Market Research Finds that Working with Local, Independently Owned Work Uniform Supplier Offers Many Advantages Don’t take our word for it, take a look at what the market is saying. New market research shows how local and independently owned are the clear choice for your work uniform and textile rental needs. The Survey The graphs … Read more
ITRA Members Tour Roscoe Work Uniform Rental Facility
The Roscoe Company was proud to recently host fellow members of the Independent Textile Rental Association (ITRA) from the United States and Canada. Sharing best practices with the industry goes back generations with the Buik family and Roscoe’s ISO 9001 Certified facility is a great platform for suppliers to test and showcase cutting edge technology. We … Read more
Governor’s Sustainability Award Submission
Solid Waste Reduction, Resource Conservation & Clean Green Certified Roscoe was founded in 1921 on the principles of sustainability – laundering and reusing textiles that were once discarded. This foundation of reuse has evolved over the years to include a variety of textiles and provides customers with alternatives to disposable products that find their way … Read more
Employee Appreciation Day
To commemorate all the hard work and effort that our team has put forth during the first half of the year, the Chicago Uniform Company deemed June 2 “Employee Appreciation Day.” Throughout 2016 we’ve had several tour groups, potential customers, etc. come from near and far to see our plant and it was only with … Read more
Floor Mats: More Dirty Facts
In the spirit of national safety month, below are the latest research findings and statistics related to the impact of dust and dirt on the appearance of your place, impact on labor and the impact on the health of people. Appearance “91% of shoppers select a store to shop in because of its appearance” (Progressive … Read more
Enhanced Safety with Flame Resistant Work Uniforms
Companies are duty bound to assess the risk and provide protective gear and work uniforms to mitigate those risks. To ensure the safety of employees working in electric power generation, transmission and distribution, which includes maintenance staff that work with breakers, employers need to be aware of the importance of flame resistant work uniforms. If you … Read more
The Dirty Facts about Dust & Floor Mats
So, you think you know about dust and floor mats? Below is the latest research (brace yourself…) followed by an explanation of how floor mats will save you money, why rental mats work better and why renting from The Roscoe Company makes “cents” (in addition to renting work uniforms from us). Floor Mats & Dust … Read more
Work Uniforms Success Story: Truck Center
After being awarded the uniform rental business at their newest facility less than a year ago, Roscoe now provides rental services to all of their Chicagoland locations for one of the largest truck dealership and service centers in the Midwest because of our strengths in processes and personnel, and our attention to detail. Background As … Read more
Protect Your Work Uniform Rental Plan with a Maintenance Program
Typically with a uniform rental service, a customer is invoiced rental charges that help offset the cost of merchandise, cleaning, delivery, and invoicing, but these rental charges don’t usually cover other recurring costs like prep fees, which are assessed for ordering, receiving and identifying garments for tracking purposes. Additionally, the rental charges typically don’t cover … Read more