Roscoe Communication “Top 10” List

Roscoe Communication "Top 10" List

Guest Blog by Jeff DeLazzer


If you were to look up the word communication in the Webster dictionary this is what you would find:


1. The imparting or exchanging of information or news. “Direct communication between the two individuals will produce greater understanding.” Synonyms: transmission, disclosure, broadcasting

2. Means of connection between people or places, in particular.

These two definitions are interesting and true: “communicating to produce greater understanding.” The main goal is to convey and educate to achieve understanding and produce greater results. More than anything though, communication is about establishing a connection. Connections with our families, friends and co-workers. Sometimes these connections are simple while others… not so much. Actually most are complicated but “achieving better understanding” is a complicated task when dealing with life’s adventures.

Our Customer Communication “Top 10”

Last but certainly not least is communication with customers. Roscoe takes PRIDE in our communication process in serving and satisfying the needs of our customers, from our one-hour response time when a call comes in to every single delivery being made by our route service representatives.

Some of the key components in our success in achieving greater communication include the following “top 10”:

  1. Yellow Bag Program: when a garment needs to be repaired or replaced, this program allows the wearer to communicate directly to Roscoe utilizing a yellow bag that is stationed on the soil locker – it’s a great system especially if the wearer cannot catch the route rep on the day of delivery
  2. Customer Appreciation Days: what better way to communicate with wearers than to bring some pizza and soda and to review any issues and concerns directly with the wearer – wearers will also fill out a short survey that lets Roscoe know how we’re doing
  3. Quick Start Guide: all new wearers receive a Quick Start Guide that explains how our service works and reviews several of our programs – also included is a statement from our president regarding our PRIDE mission statement
  4. Account Audits: district service managers conduct an audit with work uniform rental accounts that cover all of Roscoe’s procedures and policies to include inventory usage, invoicing, product line, and communications
  5. Report Cards: yes, we have report cards at Roscoe (just like back in the school days) that we review with customers that cover activity at the account to include cancelled and new wearers, repairs made and replacements among other things
  6. Goldmine & Closing the Loop: all customer calls get documented in our Goldmine communications system, which allows Roscoe to keep track of a customer issue from inception until it gets closed – we respond back to the customer to ensure their needs have been met and they are satisfied with the end result
  7. Pocket Stuffers: a quarterly brochure that we send to each wearer covering topics that include our yellow repair bag program, completeness, cleanliness, and “Hey, Jim Buik” cards (a survey that can be mailed directly to our president)
  8. Owner Access: not only do we have the aforementioned cards but our president, Jim Buik,  also accompanies service and sales personnel in trouble shooting customer issues and contacting prospects interested in utilizing Roscoe services – Jim is also readily available via phone and e-mail
  9. Customer Friendly Website: a great tool where our customers can get product information, look up Roscoe services, review resources (invoicing for instance), read about industry news, and of course contact information

A Dedicated Team

Every one of our accounts has a dedicated team that includes a route service representative, customer service representative and a district service manager. This ensures that our customers are dealing with the same individuals and not getting “transferred” back and forth between people.

Roscoe takes PRIDE in our efforts to communicate and connect with our customers to achieve greater understanding and produce superior satisfaction and results.

Contact us to learn about our work uniform rentals, custom mat service and facilities management service

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