At Roscoe
We make your life easier with our seamless uniform rental program. One less thing to worry about so you can focus on your business. With us, you get:
- Guaranteed, on-time deliveries using RFID tracking
- Personalized service from our dedicated team
- Quality products for various industries
- Compliance with ISO 9001, OSHA SHARP, HACCP, & Hygienically Clean
- Sustainable practices benefitting our community
- Commitment to the Chicago area
What You Do
We want to make our uniform rental service as convenient for you as possible. With just a few simple steps on your end, our program will run seamlessly. By following these guidelines, you'll help us provide you with fresh, clean uniforms when you need them.

Remove all personal items from pockets before returning garments.

Place soiled garments in the designated area daily for pick-up. We'll deliver fresh ones on our next visit.

Put empty hangers on hanger tote.

For repairs, replacements, or size changes, place the garment in a yellow bag with details. Put the bag with soiled garments.

Keep in mind:
- Garments have unique barcode/RFID numbers for tracking.
- Only wear garments assigned to you based on expected use. Ask your supervisor if you need more.
- Rental items remain Roscoe's property. Unaltered items must be returned upon cancellation to avoid fees.
What We Do
Behind the scenes, we follow a meticulous process to keep your uniform rental service running smoothly. Our attention to detail ensures you receive the highest quality garments and service.
Here's how our rental service works:

Dirty merchandise is picked up for cleaning

Incoming garments are sorted by color and fabric

All garments are scanned upon receipt using RFID technology for tracking

Garments are steamed/pressed for a professional finish

Merchandise is inspected for repairs or replacements

Merchandise is washed and dried using custom formulas

Garments are sorted and bundled by wearer

Every garment is scanned again to ensure delivery accuracy

Clean merchandise is delivered!
This process is also listed on Roscoe's Communication Station, an on-site reference tool for employees to request uniform repairs and size changes through our yellow bag program.